In summary #
I’m a physics student at Williams College. I was born in California and grew up in the great state of Massachusetts. I look roughly like this.
A Kodama with a Komodo
I cooperate on prisoner’s dilemmas and unironically aspire to love my neighbor as myself.
Now #
I’m a visiting student at Exeter College in Oxford. I’ve mostly been focusing on physics, with some side adventures in alignment research and choral singing.
Before #
I spent the summer of 2024 as a research fellow at the Center on Long-Term Risk, investigating how language models reason about decision theory. Before that, I tinkered with lasers and RF electronics in the Majumder Lab at Williams. Before that, I taught cryptography at Johns Hopkins’s CTY summer camp. Before that, I was a high school student in Boston.
About this site #
If you have comments or corrections to offer on anything I’ve written here, please do get in touch. My email address is miles@[this site’s base url]. Note that everything on this site is endorsed by at least one of my past iterations, but not necessarily by my most recent one.
Unless otherwise stated, nothing on this site was written by AI.
The theme of this site is Hugo-Tufte. Thank you to all the developers who built it.